Life Change
Therapy Now, LLC
Sexual addiction can be best described as a pattern of sexual behaviors that occur in a manner that becomes unmanageable and can appear to be compulsive or out of control. The sexual addict usually keeps their “acting out” behaviors a secret from loved ones in order to avoid the negative consequences of his or her actions. Whether it is having multiple affairs, seeking out prostitutes or massage parlors, compulsively masturbating, viewing pornography excessively, or a number of other sexual behaviors, these repeated behaviors can interfere with one’s ability to function efficiently and can often impair one’s ability to develop healthy relationships with others. Like other addictions, the desire to stop these behaviors is overpowered by a compulsive urge to continue, despite the foreseeable consequences. Both men and women can suffer from sex addiction.
Intimacy Anorexia (IA) is a term coined by Dr. Douglas Weiss, a clinical psychologist and President of the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy. It is a behavioral pattern of withholding love, praise, and affection from one’s spouse or partner. However, this pattern can also extend to other family members or loved ones. Typically, individuals with intimacy anorexia will unconsciously use specific tactics to avoid any form of intimacy. Many partners of intimacy anorexics say they feel more like roommates than lovers. After years of being starved of intimacy, many partners either begin to feel indifferent towards their spouse or choose to leave the relationship. For IA clients who also suffer from sex addiction, addressing the intimacy anorexia behaviors is vital to their SA sobriety.
Lorena Ripoll, founder of Life Change Therapy Now (LCTN) is a certified Sex Recovery Therapist (SRT). She received her training and certification through the American Association for Sex Addiction Therapy. In addition, Lorena received training from leading experts in the field of sex addiction and intimacy anorexia including Dr. Patrick Carnes and Dr. Douglas Weiss. Initial sessions with Lorena begin with a thorough intake assessment and end with greater understanding of how clients came to have a sexual addiction and/or intimacy anorexia as well as a clear road map to recovery. Clients are provided with the tools and support they need for a successful recovery that is personalized to ensure that they have the most successful outcome possible.
Lorena uses the most current and clinically effective therapeutic interventions and strategies to help sex addictsand their families heal. These methods include hypnotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, group therapy, and couples counseling.
Spouses, partners, and family members also need their own recovery from the emotional chaos and trauma caused by addiction. Many times, shame, guilt, and pain are shared by those closest to the addict. Life Change Therapy Now works with families to promote healing through group, individual, family, and or couples therapy sessions.